Revysol –创新型杀菌剂
Release Time:2020-03-24巴斯夫开发了首个异丙醇-吡唑可用于保护农作物免受真菌病害的Revysol,从而打破了三唑类杀菌剂的生产模式。

如右图所示,在Revysol分子中,三唑的头部(蓝色)位于一个薄的异丙醇单元(黄色)的颈部,当“头部”向上或向下弯曲时,该分子呈现不同的构象。 '颈部'。
由于采用了新的筛选系统,Revysol的设计还可以满足较高的法规要求。巴斯夫已在60个国家/地区申请了Revysol的40多种作物的注册。 Revysol的监管档案已于2016年3月提交给欧盟,并于2017年8月在美国,加拿大和墨西哥获得了监管批准。2019年3月宣布了欧盟的批准,现在预计今年将在2019 / 2020年生长季节。 Revysol将以定制配方提供给全球农民。
Hailed as BASF’s next blockbuster, Revysol has the potential of reaching peak sales above €1 billion. Interestingly, the company’s manufacturing plant in Hannibal, Missouri (USA) has been selected as Revysol’s production site (pictured). This choice emphasizes the strategic importance of the new fungicide to North American markets. With an investment in the double-digit million Euro range, BASF has enhanced an existing manufacturing system to produce the new active ingredient.
“We are proud that Hannibal is the first site to produce Revysol,” said Anne Berg, Vice President Manufacturing Americas, BASF’s Agricultural Solutions division, in a statement to the press last year. “This decision was based on the high level of technology and experience on the site and is an investment in its future development.”
BASF has expanded its pipeline of solutions for agriculture significantly and, by 2028, will launch innovations with projected peak sales of more than €6 billion. The pipeline contains a wealth of chemical and biological crop protection products, seeds and traits, as well as digital solutions. This will further strengthen the company’s leading position in innovative and sustainable agriculture. This pipeline demonstrates tangible progress based on continuous investment in research and development, the integration of acquired businesses and strong partnerships. In 2019, BASF will spend around €900 million on R&D for agricultural solutions.
“We provide farmers with a full toolbox of innovative technologies, solutions and know-how, helping them develop their businesses successfully while addressing the demands of the food value chain,” said Markus Heldt, President of BASF’s Agricultural Solutions division. “We are actively steering our current and future portfolio towards more sustainable solutions . This enables us to develop highly-effective, innovative compounds that benefit farmers, society and the planet.”

如右图所示,在Revysol分子中,三唑的头部(蓝色)位于一个薄的异丙醇单元(黄色)的颈部,当“头部”向上或向下弯曲时,该分子呈现不同的构象。 '颈部'。
由于采用了新的筛选系统,Revysol的设计还可以满足较高的法规要求。巴斯夫已在60个国家/地区申请了Revysol的40多种作物的注册。 Revysol的监管档案已于2016年3月提交给欧盟,并于2017年8月在美国,加拿大和墨西哥获得了监管批准。2019年3月宣布了欧盟的批准,现在预计今年将在2019 / 2020年生长季节。 Revysol将以定制配方提供给全球农民。
Hailed as BASF’s next blockbuster, Revysol has the potential of reaching peak sales above €1 billion. Interestingly, the company’s manufacturing plant in Hannibal, Missouri (USA) has been selected as Revysol’s production site (pictured). This choice emphasizes the strategic importance of the new fungicide to North American markets. With an investment in the double-digit million Euro range, BASF has enhanced an existing manufacturing system to produce the new active ingredient.
“We are proud that Hannibal is the first site to produce Revysol,” said Anne Berg, Vice President Manufacturing Americas, BASF’s Agricultural Solutions division, in a statement to the press last year. “This decision was based on the high level of technology and experience on the site and is an investment in its future development.”
BASF has expanded its pipeline of solutions for agriculture significantly and, by 2028, will launch innovations with projected peak sales of more than €6 billion. The pipeline contains a wealth of chemical and biological crop protection products, seeds and traits, as well as digital solutions. This will further strengthen the company’s leading position in innovative and sustainable agriculture. This pipeline demonstrates tangible progress based on continuous investment in research and development, the integration of acquired businesses and strong partnerships. In 2019, BASF will spend around €900 million on R&D for agricultural solutions.
“We provide farmers with a full toolbox of innovative technologies, solutions and know-how, helping them develop their businesses successfully while addressing the demands of the food value chain,” said Markus Heldt, President of BASF’s Agricultural Solutions division. “We are actively steering our current and future portfolio towards more sustainable solutions . This enables us to develop highly-effective, innovative compounds that benefit farmers, society and the planet.”